
4 Questions You Need To Answer For Your Creative Business | #30

Mar 01, 2023

What Are You Selling?

As a photographer, are you selling hourly headshot sessions? Packages with a set number of photos? Licenses? Is editing included in the price?

There are a lot of variables in what your service will look like. Make sure you know exactly what it is you are selling.

Do not provide 20 different customization options. Create 2-3 different packages that encompass what you do, and stick to selling those.

Who’s Buying It?

What does your ideal customer look like? Are they a business owner? Are they a newly engaged couple?

By having a clear picture of who you’re selling to, you’ll be able to create marketing and sales copy specific to them.

If you know who it is you’re selling to, you can establish yourself as the go-to photographer for that type of person.

How Are They Finding Out About You?

Let’s face it, if no one knows who you are, you won’t get customers.

Are you sending cold emails? Using paid ads? Are you relying on word of mouth? Tik Tok?

Find a way that works for you and stick with that method. Spreading awareness about your business will get more eyeballs looking at your website. Once you’ve got the eyeballs, it’s up to you to convert them to paying customers.

What’s The Fulfillment Process Like?

After someone says they want to work with you, what happens?

Are they paying a 50% deposit upfront? What does your onboarding process look like? Do they get a mood board or a prep call before the shoot? How long until they get the edits?

Make this process crystal clear and stick with it every time. Once you find something that works, you’ll be able to repeat it time and time again.

Spend an hour this weekend answering these questions. You’ll see where things are lacking and where you’re excelling at. This is one of those simple exercises that yields massive results.

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