
Getting Over Rejection In Business | #8

Jan 18, 2023

Social Media is a highlight reel. I share all my wins on there, but none of the losses. I want to change that to show you the other side of my business. I've been rejected 1000+ times in business. I reach out to new clients daily. Most ignore my emails, some write back nasty comments, and a very small percentage respond back positively.

I've had contracts lined up with potential clients for weeks, only to see those very deals vanish into thin air. I've had full weeks of calls with prospective clients, only to have nothing to show for it on Friday.

I know I share a lot of my wins on here, but the reality is that there is so much rejection that happens behind the scenes. Rejection sucks, it's frustrating, and it's downright depressing at times. But it's also part of the process. Everyone goes through this rejection.

If you have the grit to push through all the no's, eventually the yes's will come. Getting past the rejection is what will separate the successful entrepreneurs from those that fail.

If you're facing rejection, don't give up. Push through it just a little longer. The wins will come.

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