
Why Clients Are Ghosting You | 127

Mar 29, 2024

Does this sound familiar? You heard online that cold email is a great way to get new clients.

You send 100 emails, and 5 brands respond with “Now is not a good time, but we’ll keep you in mind.”

I’ve been there and let me tell you.. getting positive cold email responses is hard.

In fact, I almost gave up. I’m glad I didn’t because once I cracked it nearly all my clients came from cold emails.

But there are many moving parts to a cold email. I recently wrote out a list of 17 cold email mistakes and shared it with my Creative Biz Launch students. 17! If you make any of these, your response rates will be low.

So let’s fix them. I want to focus on one very important part of a cold email: the credibility statement.


🌟 Instant Credibility

I’m guessing your emails lack credibility.

Any good cold outreach message has 3 things. Hook, credibility, and a call to action.

Credibility is what makes clients believe that you can actually help them. It’s what makes them curious enough to click into your portfolio.

If your claims match your credibility, you’ll get a response.

The thing is, most creatives don’t add any credibility statement and wonder why they aren’t getting responses.

Let’s start with what NOT to do:

I’ve been a photographer for 3 years and I’m looking for more work.

This only talks about you and doesn’t show how you’ll help the client.

Instead, we want to focus on how we can help the client. We’ll start by showing what our service does and how it benefits them. Try this:


I help [NICHE] brands get [RESULT] through [SERVICE].


On top of this, you need to have a statement to back up what you just said. Just because you said it doesn’t mean it’s true. Add this:


[Why believe me statement]. After working with [BRAND], they saw [RESULT]. I think my [SERVICE] aligns perfectly with [COMPANY].


Here we actually show them some real results we’ve gotten for another brand (ideally in the same niche).

What if you don’t have any clients yet or have no results? You can try something like:


The thing is, I’m new to the [NICHE] scene, but I’ve spent a decade behind the camera honing my craft. To build up my client base, I’m taking on 3 clients for free over the next month.


Here, you’re being fully transparent about your intentions. You’re offering a few free projects to build up your credibility so that you can set your business up for long-term success.

Start using these lines in your emails and let me know how much your response rates go up!

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