
Why Most Photo/Video Deals Fall Through | #24

Feb 17, 2023

Without a contract, there’s no project. There’s no deal. A proposal takes what you’ve been talking about with a client and slaps a signature on it. Talk is cheap. But when there’s a signature on that project you pitched, you know you’ve got a new client.

There have been plenty of times where I’ve had clients tell me they want x amount of photos and are excited to get started on the project. They tell me they’ll reach out when they’re ready. Months go by and I never hear from them again.

First, you need someplace to create a proposal. I recommend PandaDoc - Click Here 

Creating a proposal doesn’t have to be complicated. A great proposal has these 9 components:

  1. Cover Page
  2. Intro/About Us
  3. Ideas
  4. Case Studies
  5. Relevant Portfolio
  6. Timeline
  7. Pricing
  8. Terms
  9. Signature

You want these components to be simple enough to quickly go through but detailed enough so that someone that doesn’t know about you will quickly learn what you offer.

Proposals get forwarded throughout the company so you want the decision-maker to quickly know what you offer and how much it will cost them.

This email would be too long to break down all these components (detailed guide here). Including case studies and a relevant portfolio will be crucial in making the right impression. At a glance, the decision-maker will see what you’re capable of.

Including a timeline of events is something most people don’t think of. In the timeline, you should describe all the steps that happen after they sign the contract. This could be things like submit deposit, receive mood board, onboarding call, photo proofs, final edits. Your process may vary depending on your niche and fulfillment pipeline.

A proposal is the best way to pitch yourself to new clients are differentiate yourself from the crowd.

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